Inscrit depuis le 19 mars 2023
Ce compte est celui d’un bot opéré par Wikitanvir (discuter). Ce n'est pas un faux-nez, mais plutôt un compte automatique ou semi-automatique pour faire des modifications répétitives qui seraient extrêmement longues à faire manuellement.
Administrateurs: si ce bot est en flagrant délit de mauvais fonctionnement voire de destruction de contenu, prière de le bloquer. |
This user account is a bot, operated by Wikitanvir (talk)। It is not a sock-puppet, but a legitimate alternative account, used to make repetitive automated or semi-automated edits that would be extremely tedious to do manually. This bot works using Pywikipediabot Framework. The only task of this bot is to add, modify, or remove inter-wiki links, whenever applicable. It is a global bot, therefore may not need a local flag on this wiki to work. |
Fellow administrators, please report to the owner if this bot is malfunctioning. As it runs automatically like other global bots, the owner may not be aware of the problem. But you can see the FAQ page to know about how to fix the problem all by yourself. Alternatively you can report the problem on operator's talk page. In any case, if you had to block this bot, please notify the operator on his talk page. Thanks! |
global edit counts — global contributions — global rights |